Adding all the meta data

Published: Thu Jan 21 2021

Why Bother with SEO?

This blog is a place for my own personal exploration into tech and learning. However, after reading [an article about learning in public][]I’ve started to share a bit more. Thinking about sharing I realized that if no-one can find this it’s not very public!

What is SEO?

SEO is “Search Engine Optimization”, I’m going to focus on a few areas of it. I don’t really need to be the best blog in the world for all the things but I’d like to at least get the following working

  • Keywords to search algorithms
  • A Twitter Card
  • OpenGraph Card
  • robots.txt
  • sitemap.xml

Where to keep the meta data

Svelte inserts the <svelte:head /> from each component into the proper place. I’ll be focusing on blog articles for now so I’m editing the [slug].svelte file.


This is how things start. Lets add a bit more basic data


With just a couple of lines things will already be better

  <meta name="description" content="{post.description}" />
  <meta name="keywords" content="{post.tags}" />